Run with an iPhone and want the best way to follow your TrainAsONE workouts? Download the Racefully app now and get step-by-step voice guidance for your runs.
TrainAsONE is proud to announce that fellow London Sport Tech Hub startup, Racefully has built direct integration with TrainAsONE into their running app, not only allowing you to see your upcoming workouts but also receive handy voice and visual guidance during your runs.
Download and install the Racefully app on your iPhone.
Signup to Racefully (or login to your existing Racefully account).
Connect to TrainAsONE from the Training section within Racefully.
View your upcoming runs and manage your training.
Go for your run – with step-by-step voice guidance!
Working on a Android app too?
Certainly. I’m an Android user myself, so don’t want to be left out!