Aug 08

Can I force the TrainAsONE mobile app to re-sync my plan with the server?

Category: FAQs

Yes, you can initiate a manual re-sync of your data (including training plan and activity history) using a ‘pull to refresh‘ action on the Home or activity History screen. In the interests of clarity, this means dragging the screen, from just below the title bar, downwards and then releasing (you should see a spinner revealed during this action).

About The Author

Dr. Sean Radford, the Founder & CEO of TrainAsONE, is a medical doctor, IT expert, coach and podium finisher in international endurance events. He has dedicated more than 20 years to the research of health, fitness and social well-being of the general population. He has been developing Artificially Intelligent (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools to help tackle some of the world’s leading health issues. Dr Radford is a Tech Ambassador for the UK, considered a leading expert in his field, and is a regular speaker at key events, as well as an author of numerous research publications.