Apr 13

I would like to repeat an assessment run. How do I do this?

Category: FAQs

Have you completed an assessment run, but not happy with your performance for some reason, or maybe you feel that you have had a breakthrough in fitness and believe an assessment might help hone your plan. If so, then there are two primary ways to approach this:

1. You can simply run the assessment according to its general format, i.e:

  • Perceived Effort runs have the 2 minutes standing start / stop steps with easy running in between;
  • 6 minute assessments have warm-up / cooldown steps with the fast all-out 6 minute step;
  • and the 3.2 km assessment have the warm-up / cooldown steps with the all-out 3.2 km step.

Whilst a Perceived Effort is generally appropriate on most days, it would be more prudent to run a fast assessment on a day that TrainAsONE has scheduled a speed session, e.g. swapping an Interval workout for a 6 minute assessment run.

Once run, simply ensure that TrainAsONE classifies your assessment correctly. If not, correct it. Please see this FAQ on how to correct the classification of a run.

2. Re-classify your previous assessment as Freestyle. This will trigger a plan build and cause such an assessment to be scheduled. This is more appropriate in the case where your performance was not as expected for some reason.

About The Author

Dr. Sean Radford, the Founder & CEO of TrainAsONE, is a medical doctor, IT expert, coach and podium finisher in international endurance events. He has dedicated more than 20 years to the research of health, fitness and social well-being of the general population. He has been developing Artificially Intelligent (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools to help tackle some of the world’s leading health issues. Dr Radford is a Tech Ambassador for the UK, considered a leading expert in his field, and is a regular speaker at key events, as well as an author of numerous research publications.