Mar 11

My run is classified incorrectly. How do I correct it?

Category: FAQs

You have the opportunity to correct the classification of your latest and most recent runs using the ‘Run Confirmation’ card in either the mobile app or the web application. For older runs you need to correct on the ‘Edit Activity’ page:

1. Click on the run to be corrected on either your Calendar or Activities page to display the Activity Summary dialog;

2. On the Activity Summary dialog, click the ‘Edit’ button to go to the ‘Edit Activity’ page;

The ‘Edit’ button of the Activity Summary dialog.

3. Locate the ‘Run type’ drop down field and click on it to reveal the list of run types;

4. Select the correct run type for the activity. (You can optionally also select the planned workout from the drop down below the ‘Run type’ field);

The ‘Run type’ drop-down menu of the Edit Activity page.

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Save’ button in the right hand corner.

About The Author

Dr. Sean Radford, the Founder & CEO of TrainAsONE, is a medical doctor, IT expert, coach and podium finisher in international endurance events. He has dedicated more than 20 years to the research of health, fitness and social well-being of the general population. He has been developing Artificially Intelligent (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools to help tackle some of the world’s leading health issues. Dr Radford is a Tech Ambassador for the UK, considered a leading expert in his field, and is a regular speaker at key events, as well as an author of numerous research publications.